Table of Contents



Date Presenter Subject Materials Note
5/1/14 Nha Journal preparation for location privacyPPTX
Dileep Deamon-related Deamon
5/12/14 Nha Brinkhoff Generator vs ParamicsBrinkhoff
Dileep SmartGrid and Deamon Model SmartGrid Deamon Model
Dileep SetKCoverSetKCover SetKCover Paper
Dileep SetKCoverPresentation
5/30/14 Nha Paper list for dist. computing
Dileep Paper list for dist. sensing
6/9/14 Nha MapReduce MapReduce.PPT
Dileep Sensing
6/13/14 Nha MapReduce optimization algorithm based on machine learning in heterogeneous cloud environment PPT
Dileep WSN and Sensing Task Assignment WSN and Sensing Task Assignment
6/19/14 Nha Opportunistic Collaboration in Participatory Sensing Environments PPT
Dileep Efficient Opportunistic Sensing using Mobile Collaborative Platform MOSDENMOSDEN
7/1/14 Nha Overview of MPI, opportunistic …. opportunistic.PPT MPI
Dileep Set-K-cover paper, present one more paper OptiMoS SetCover and OptiMoS SetCover Paper by Uichin Lee
7/21/14 Nha Cuckoo: A Computation Offloading Framework for Smartphones / Refactoring Android Java Code Cuckoo.PPT Refactoring.PPTCuckoo.PDF Refactoring.pdf
Dileep Dynamic Mobile Cloud ComputingDynamic Mobile Cloud Computing and To offload or not to offload Dynamic Mobile Cloud Computing To offload or not to offload
7/24/14 Nha
Dileep An Energy-efficient Task Scheduler for Multi-core Platforms with per-core DVFS Based on Task Characteristics and COCA: Computation Offload to Clouds using AOPPPTPDFCOCA
8/14/14DileepA Context-Aware Recommendation Model based on Mobile Application Log Analysis Platform and Snooze: Energy Management in 802.11n WLANsPPTSnooze (Micro-Sleep)
8/20/14DileepCode in the AirCITACITA
8/27/14DileepACE: Exploiting Correlation for Energy-Efficient and Continuous Context SensingACEACE
9/19/14DileepEnergy-Efficient Continuous Activity Recognition on Mobile Phones: An Activity-Adaptive ApproachEnergy-EfficientDEAMONPaper
10/13/14DileepCode CODE
12/11/14NhaEntropy AlgorithmPDF
01/29/15DileepWSNEnergy Efficient Sensing in WSN LEACH LEACH Simulation


Nha on journal paper preparation


[Dileep] Smart Grid Security Paper

[Nha] Brinkhoff Generator's limitations


Nha's list

Dileep's list

ACE: Exploiting Correlation for Energy-Efficient and Continuous Context Sensing

CITA: Code In The Air Simplifying Sensing and Coordination Tasks on Smartphones

Snooze: Energy Management in 802.11n WLANs

COCA: Computation Offload to Clouds using AOP

Collaborative Sensing over Smart SensorsPDF Just 2 pages? It is Workshop paper and contains 4 pages?

Enhanced Collaborative Sensing Scheme for User Activity RecognitionPDF Just Poster! Find full paper It is just Demo poster paper of two pages. No Full paper available.

CoSense – A Collaborative Sensing Platform for Mobile DevicesPDF Fine, but just poster. Check full paper It need payment

Energy-efficient collaborative context sensing on mobile phonesPDF This is proposal, not paper! But check this paper OptiMuS

Sensing as a Service: A Cloud Computing System for Mobile Phone SensingPDF

Crowdsourcing to Smartphones: Incentive Mechanism Design for Mobile Phone SensingPDF

Mobile Sensing for Social CollaborationsPDF

Energy-Efficient Sensor Node Control Based on Sensed Data and Energy Monitoring PDF

Energy-efficient Tasking in Participatory Sensing SystemsPDF

Wireless Sensor Network: A Promising Approach for Distributed Sensing Tasks PDF

Sensing task assignment via sensor selection for maximum target coverage in WSNsPDF

Efficient Opportunistic Sensing using Mobile Collaborative Platform MOSDENPDF Good reference for platform design

Opportunistic Collaboration in Participatory Sensing EnvironmentsPDF Interesting paper

Dynamic Mobile Cloud Computing: Ad Hoc and Opportunistic Job Sharing pdf

To offload or not to offload: an efficient code partition algorithm for mobile cloud computing pdf


MapReduce by Nha

WSN by Dileep





HydroCast: Underwater Pressure Routing by Uichin Lee


Mobility Model

Next meeting plan on 7/8


Cuckoo 1

Cuckoo 2




Code in the Air


Acquisitional Context Engine

